Trying out Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) RSS ads

December 7, 2005

Sorry in advance if my feed goes whack over the next few hours; I’ve just added the YPN JavaScript snippet in my feed generating php code.

Anyone else try YPN RSS ads with any success?

No Responses Yet to “Trying out Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) RSS ads”

  1. Adam Says:

    All I can say is that Vonage must be paying a *BUTTLOAD* to Yahoo. Yours is the third RSS feed I’ve seen with a Vonage ad.

    And so far, the NON-RSS (regular Web) ads I’ve gotten on my blog are 50% Vonage ads. A detailed blog entry about a theatre performance? Vonage. A review of Song Airlines? Vonage.

    If this keeps up… even if I make a bunch of money… I’ll be frankly embarrassed to put this in my RSS feeds or keep on my site. What part of “contextual” does Yahoo not understand? 😛

    I’m hoping Microsoft’s entrance into this market will truly shake things up a bit. Right now, with the possible exception of Y! giving publishers more money, they’re simply not posing a credible threat to AdSense.

  2. Allen Says:

    Almost nonexistant revenue. The nature of RSS, no one clicks ads. The only reason I leave it on is to see if something changes.

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